Something's happened to the
Pinoy Moms Network and its awesome!
It has been reborn as an online magazine!
Born this Monday, July 9 at exactly 00.00 o'clock. Brainchild of two Greek, I mean Geek, goddesses
Connie Veneracion and
Noemi Dado. At hand during birthing were cheer-leading moms
Dine Racoma,
Dexie Wharton and Annamanila (the first three who came forward to be section eds). Attending too were countless other PMN member-moms who kept vigil as baby was delivered -- with just a reasonable amount of labor pains -- beautiful, bouncy, bubbly, if itty-bitty bug-sy.
When the first welcome greetings for the newborn poured in, all Connie could say was:
"My knees are shaking ...... my hands are sweaty .... I can't believe this has finally happened ... thank you thank you ... if this is a dream, i don't want to wake up."
Excerpts from Connie's maiden editorial give clues the refurbished PMN, like Rome, wasn't built in a day ...
" ... Can’t even begin to tell you how much blood, sweat and tears went into the transformation of PMN. From an aggregator of the latest members’ blogs, we now have original articles — all in line with the vision of turning PMN into an e-zine and a useful and entertaining resource for mothers of whatever size, shape, race and faith. "
Don't take her, our word for it ... log in to the new
PMN, the e-zine ... if you haven't yet.
I am so happy you are a section editor. It was brave of you to accept the task even if you had initial misgivings on the tech part.
Congrats and good luck to this latest venture, Anna. :-)
congratulations to the people behind the transformation of PMN into an online magazine. i now log on to PMN first thing when i turn on my computer.
and may i say, hats off to the Mommies behind the reinvention of the PMN into an electronic magazine.
i sure hope to contribute articles too (especially in your section Bringing Up Moms), as soon as i am fully adjusted (to my new role as SAHM) that would give me enough time to sit down, recollect and organize thoughts and write something relevant so as not give so much headaches to the editors. :)
Congrats Anna. I know you people are going to go places; soon.
All the best to PMN .
Thanks Anna for inviting me to be a part of it.
btw, I love the edited piece of my article. Thanks for that too.
Congrats Anna :-)
something to look forward to!
Ty for getting me out of tight (techie) fixes the past few days. I think after the first week, I'll be (mostly)alright. Learned lots of stuff --including html! Who would have imagined!
Thanks for the good wishes. Miss ko na blog mo ... and the others'. Will soon settle down to normal. :)
How can PMN the ezine not fly? With you and me and so many others holding our part of the sky. I know you have a lot to contribute ... including and especially to 'bringing up moms?!'
Can't wait to go bloghopping again and see what's new with simply belle.
All best on your new SAHM-ness. It was a brave decision wasn't it. At same time, it is temporary, right? I know I would read about it when I visit.
Wish you could settle really quick -- and find time to write for our ezine.
Thank you for always following our progress. I know we have an honorary member of PMN in you .. not a mom, not a Pinoy but still tirelessly rooting for us. Keep being in our corner, okay?
Thanks for letting your arm be twisted into writing a quick one for BUMPS! Well, you didn't regret it naman, di ba? Welcome to PMN. And a lot of readers liked your story which allayed new-mommy fears. Start thinking of your second piece, okay? :)
Thanks lots. You must be thinking of joining PMN. I know you have. Go and do it na (if you haven't). It will feel privileged if if you wrote one for my section -- bringing up mom. Well, for any sectin for that matter. Will be waiting!
Hi Anna!
I am searching for space where to reach you.Sorry for the gap...been really busy and the tula juice did not flow this time so easily. Found this new posting about your new venture. Congratulations and wish you more inspiration. Will try to find more time to do blogging for a cause! all the best this summer, Bituingmarikit alias Pinay von Alemania, Alias Tita Bee and Darna!
This is so cool! I didn't know you were a writer and editor for an online magazine!
Congratulations and Goodluck in a new chapter in your life and to the new "baby"!
Pinay (aka bituing marikit)!
Oooh I am so happy to hear from you again. So you have all these blogsites -- cool, but how can you manage so many?
Hey, are you a mom? If you are, why don't you register with PMN (the register button is on the left side bar ... somewhere at the bottom) ... you'd be 'at home' there with other moms, including a number of expats like you.
Then, write pieces on your mommy experiences. I know you will .. you write so well!
Thank you, writing and editing are just about the things I can do with some degree of proficiency. :) Tho I can bake a mean choco cake.
Hey, log in to PMN every now and then. You be sure to pick up a thing or two about family life for just in case you may want to settle down one of these days. :)
Hi there! you can bake a mean choco cake, wow! *tummy grumbles*
You've been working so hard on the PMN ezine I know. To find you ba naman online at almost 3am posting articles! I know all the hardwork you and all the moms of PMN are putting into it will soon pay off :D
Miss u too on ISC. But nate's (un)sleeping pattern has gone from crazy to impossible. he wakes up at 11pm and doesn't sleep until yaya gets him at 5 am. huhuhu... nakakaiyak. he's sick too, along with patchy.. hay...
Aaah, you don't believe it? My deep dark choco cake is very moist, very mean, very hershey. Di nga lang akong maganda mag-decorate. Teka saan ko ba pinagyabang yan? Sa post mo ba? hahaha
Yup, the first week of PMN ezine was tough for me .. being the techie-challenged. But I think i know na the basics of picture up/downloading, thanks to my heroes Noems and Dine who never tired getting me out of tight fixes. Pero alam mo, sa tutuo lang, I almost asked you to come to my office to handhold me. Was telling myself if i don't learn by friday, will SOS you na. I know you would come running ... but you did say your babes are sick. (Oooh I hope they bounce back soon.)
The above is for Chateau of course! :)
oh, Annamanila, this post is not written in poetry form, but the way you wrote the BIRTH OF PMN as an EZINE is in itself a POEM!
i was glad to be with all of you in this much awaited birth!
ohhahaha ... you made me read my post again ... checked if it rhymed. haha thank you Dine. They say that friends are those who allow you to be at your best. You are one of them.
Glad and proud to be a part of this network...
Coolness, Anna, coolness! =)
Congrats on your baby! =)
Congratulations on your 'newborn' baby!
Wishing you a BIG success!
Congrats, Anna! Cheers to Pinoy Moms Network!
Now, you made me crave for your deep dark choco cake! :)
Go, mommies!
Delighted you're on board. Ty for your BUMP piece ... should be out by mid week. Am phasing posts to 2 or 3 times a week.
Kisses! Mwah mwah mwah! ;-)
Thanks din po sa encouraging words!
Ty. Guest blog? Been asking around for daddy volunteers. It would be super .. though the chief eds havent approved it yet. :)
Gina, Rhoda, Abaniko!
Ty, ty.
Well, you know whose baby PMN the ezine really is. Not me .. but I got lucky to get involved later.
Gina and Rhoda ... write please for the mag, esp. the bringing-up-mom section. hehe Ay we need your mommy experiences and writing savvy.
Go ... you're okay!
You're doing a good (no, a GREAT) job. Keep at it. We're all behind you. And our PMN e-zine is looking better and better by the day!
Awww. Thanks. Ang galing talaga kasi nung 2 ladies na nagconceptualize. We're just taking the cue from them. Hey, write for BUMP one of these days, ha, Jane? Tyty
I'm so happy and honored to be part of PMN e-zine.
Thank you for investing time and effort by volunteering to be one of the section editors. I still owe you an article. *wink* :)
Keep up the good work!
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